Pure (PURE)

  • 2.8/5Node Profitability
  • 2/5Product & Technical Information
  • 2.8/5Communication Channels
  • 1.7/5Personnel
  • 2.5/5Professionalism
  • 2.33/5Final Rating

Node Profitability

At the time of this review Pure masternodes cost around $4000.  Only need 2,500 Pure to be able to set up a masternode makes Pure a very affordable for a new investor.  With a annual ROI of around 120% it is not a bad value on this coin.

Pure’s website has a downloadable PDF and also a video linked at their website showing step by step how to setup their nodes. This makes the process very easy.

I have trouble seeing the long term value in Pure.  The road map listed on their own website does not show anything planned for after Q2. Q1 is only being listed on exchanges and releasing their own wallet. Q2 being the release of Puredex.io.  This will be their own decentralized exchange based on the Pure blockchain.

Pure’s representatives are spending more time trying to get listed on exchanges and masternode website than they are trying to get a whitepaper done. This is a large concern for me.

Total Score: 2.8/5

Product & Technical Information

This is where Pure gets interesting… or not.  I only scored them with a 2.0 on product and technical information. Unable to locate a whitepaper is a big deal they do not really seem to have a product or vision.  To me it seems like they are just a coin following the masternode trend.

They do claim they are a fork off of Dash but I can not find any proof of that and if PureDex.io is not a success then I do not see a future for this coin.

Total Score: 2/5

Communication Channels

Pure scores a 2.8 in our communication channel rating.  They do have a twitter, telegram, discord, and reddit but seem to range from active to not very active.  I also could not locate a Pure facebook page.

Their telegram and discord channels seemed to be the most active out of their social media platforms but when asking a question about a whitepaper I was largely ignored and the talk seemed to focus just on masternodes and not the actual product.

Total Score: 2.8/5


Pure does not seem to tell us about their creators, developers, or advisers.  I even seen a blog talking about them asking for that information in Pure slack chat and his post were deleted.  I personally asked about this in their discord and was just ignored.  I do not trust a cryptocurrency that is not transparent and refuses to give up basic information.

Total Score: 1.7/5


Pure’s website is very basic but does have some important information on it.  However they do not have information about their team, links to social media, a complete road map, or link to a white page.  It does have information on how to setup a masternode and where to buy their coin

Following Pure’s social media platforms I found that their twitter account stays on topic keeping their followers updated on various things that pertain to them.  I do not see them reaching out and trying to grow their company. Also found that their discord and telegram are hostile to people that question their company.

Total Score: 2.5/5

  • #-/1494Rank
  • -Price
  • -Market Cap
  • -24Hr Volume
  • 2500Req for Mn
  • 511Total Mn
  • -Mn Value
