Accolade (ACC)

Linux Guide

Step-by-step guide to setup a masternode in a Linux VPS


  • Accolade wallet running in your local computer with at least 25000 ACCOs.
  • The software Putty to connect and send commands through SSH.
  • The software WinSCP to see your VPS’s folders, it will ease the configuration.
  • A VPS running a Linux distribution.

Step 1: Compiling the Accolade wallet on your VPS

  1. Connect to your VPS with the Putty.
  2. Download the wallet to be compilled, with the commands below. Remember the folder where the Accolade will be stored.
    sudo apt-get install git
    git clone
  3. Install the dependencies:
    sudo apt-get -y update
    sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libcrypto++-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libgmp3-dev autoconf autogen automake libtool
  4. Access your Accolade folder and run the following command:
    cd src
    sudo make -f makefile.unix

Step 2: Starting and Configuring the wallet

  1. Start the wallet typing the following command in the src folder:
    ./Accoladed -daemon
  2. Your should get “Accolade server starting”. When you start the wallet for the first time a new folder is created with the chain, the conf file and so in. This folder is located in the same repository as the Accolade one. For example if your Accolade folder path is /home/Accolade , then the new folder path is /home/.Accolade (sometimes its located in the /root folder). You won’t see it in WinSCP so you need to make hidden folders visible by clicking on the small icon at the bottom right of WinSCP.
  3. Now you need to configure your wallet, first we need to close the wallet and edit the conf file:
    ./Accoladed stop
    cd ~/.Accolade
    sudo nano Accolade.conf
  4. The file should look like this:
  5. Save the file, restart the wallet and wait it to get fully synced.
    cd ..
    cd Accolade/src
  6. You can check the progress of the synchronization of the wallet by typing this command:
    ./Accoladed getmininginfo

In this guide, we will show how to configure your masternodes to be controlled remotely with a cold wallet, since it’s easier and safer.

  1. Open your Windows wallet, go into the console and type:
    masternode genkey
  2. Copy the result in a file. This is your masternode private key. You will need to use this string later.
  3. Create a new address to receive your 25000 ACCOs, typing:
    getaccountaddress mn01
  4. Send exactly 25000 ACCO to the address you just created and wait for 15 confirmations. You have to close the wallet now. It will be reopen later.
  5. Now you need to edit the Accolade.conf of your local wallet. For Windows users the file is located in C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Roaming\Accolade. To see this folder you need to make hidden folders visible. If you do not have the Accolade.conf file in your folder, create a txt file name “Accolade.txt” then change the extension to Accolade.conf. We need to edit this file, just copy:
  6. You will need to edit the Accolade.conf on your VPS again. Before, the wallets needs to be closed and fresh (no transactions). Just type:
    ./Accoladed stop
  7. Open the Accolade.conf in your VPS, located in the .Accolade folder. Fill the file as below:

    masternodeaddr: You have to put your VPS ip and the port.
    masternodeprivkey: It’s the string you got from the “masternode genkey” command before. It must be exactly the same as the Accolade.conf of your local wallet.
  8. cd /home/Accolade/src
  9. Open your local wallet again. Go to the Debug console and type:
    masternode outputs
  10. A string will be printed, something like that : “aa7c6c173f7b691e5a070a37aeazd23557636ad1b4b43680ace39d522e1d4493” “1” . The first part is your transaction hash, the “1” is the index. Save them to be used next.
  11. Now we gonna create the masternode.conf file. In your wallet, click on the “Masternodes” tab, you will see the list of active masternodes. Click on My masternodes and on Create.
    A box appears:
    Alias : The name of your masternode, type mn01.
    Address : The IP and the port you used in your VPS conf file, use the same.
    Privkey : Your masternode privkey from the “masternode genkey” command.
    TxHash : The first part of the “masternode outputs” command, in our example it’s aa7c6c173f7b691e5a070a37aeazd23557636ad1b4b43680ace39d522e1d4493
    OutputIndex : The last number, in our example it’s 1.
  12. Click Ok and wait few seconds. A new entry is created, its your masternode. It should say that your masternode is not on the list. To start it, unlock the wallet, press start and you are done!




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